Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where will you be 3 years from now?

A few questions to ask before you decide to quit something:

  1. How many opportunities were laid in front of you so far in life?
  2. How many of these opportunities did you grab?
  3. How long did you pursue them before you quit? 
  4. What is the average time you pursue an opportunity before you stop?
  5. What is your dream to become and are you on your way?
  6. What kind of life would you like to have?
  7. If you continue doing what you're doing today, where will you be in 3 years?
  8. Is that where you dream to be?
  9. If not, what are you going to do about it?

If you keep doing what you are doing today without changing anything,
Where will you be 3 years from now?

The answer is: You'll be exactly where you are today or worse!

With love and commitment to your success

Ran Biderman

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