Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't let a bad economy go by without benefiting

Looking for ways to make money and support your family?

Don't let a good recession go by without benefiting...

The richest people in the world are getting richer in bad economies, Are you?

I don't blame times it really seams like there are no options, but
let me assure you, you are about to find the solutions!

We will share with you some ideas that already helped thousands of people.
As a matter of fact, today there are more individuals getting rich then EVER BEFORE.

So what can you do about it? Here are some ideas:

But wait before you read that, let me ask you a few questions...
Are you willing?
Are you willing to take your time and execute?
Are you willing to give up things you like, to gain true freedom?
Those very things you are used to, the things you are attached to...
This won't be so easy...
Are you willing to do what it takes?

Some of the things we are about to share will sound weird for you to give up...
But its was actually proven, by many extremely successful individuals, that if you will
do as we will gain a better position to create financial success long term.

Here are some ideas:
1. Stop watching TV!
2. Stop listening to radio!
3. Stop reading the news section of the newspaper!
4. Stop everything you do, say and think about recession!
5. Many people are getting richer everyday, open your eyes and realize it!
6. The economy was down many times and will come back up, that’s a fact!
7. Relax, don’t panic…panic only attracts more of what’s causing it…relax!
8. Change your beliefs about money by educating yourself about prosperity and wealth, listen to audio CD’s and go to seminars…
9. Educate yourself about the changes taking place in the market and do something different…
10. Look for ways to create your own income instead of worrying about getting fired
11. Start conversing and talking about an economic rise, talk about how easy it is to make money in this economy
12. Find out what industries are at rise because of the economic downturn and join them
13. Educate your kids about prosperity and teach them that money does grow on trees, when they start believing its easy to make money, their thoughts will align and their reality will be shaped by it
14. Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right!
15. Stay away of negative thinkers, including friends
16. Seek positive environment, positive friends
17. Meditate, learn how to control the thought process
18. Exercise, it helps your brain function of positive levels and release stress
19. Try Yoga, it is proven to help your mind focus and relax your body
20. Join newsgroups that promote positive thinking
21. Search online for positive thinking and prosperity consciousness programs and seminars
22. Create a dream book. A book with all the pictures of things you want, places you want to visit, homes you want to live in, cars, people you want, etc.
23. Repeat positive affirmations a few times a day
24. Read a positive book first thing when you get up
25. Whenever you feel like watching TV, watch a book instead
26. Call a successful friend, a positive friend, a prosperous friend everyday and spend time brainstorming (if you don’t have a friend like that, this would be a good time to find one)
27. Find a hobby and go do it once a week
28. Think about relocating, get away from your current negative environment
29. For more tips…check my next posting :)

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